In-class exercise on hyak and running llm. Slides.
Jan 14
Class meeting and brainstorming
Jan 16
Deadline In-class preparation of Report #1, due at 11:59 pm: team name, list of members, top three project ideas you’re excited about, minimal viable action plan for each with stretch goals, start a github project (share URL). establish pros and cons of each project idea (consider especially whether you have the resources to succeed, how excited you are about the project), optionally narrow to one or two; identify topic on which you’d like a lecture or class discussion. Submit as an Ed post.
Jan 21
Deadline Discuss in-class. Report #2 is due at 11:59 pm: project proposal. Include both the minimal viable action plan as well as stretch goals. Submit as an Ed post with an externally linked or attached pdf.
Jan 23
Deadline Group present their project proposal (no more than 3 slides) for 5 minutes to rest of class and 5 minute discussion (Presentation #1)
Execution Stage 1
Jan 28
Jan 30
Deadline Work on project and meet with Shyam one-on-one if needed. Report #3 is due at 11:59 pm. You will individually report on your team’s effectiveness, including a summary of your own, and each team member’s contributions so far. These reports will only be seen by course staff.
Feb 4
Deadline Group present first milestone (no more than 5 slides) for 10 minutes to rest of class and 5 minutes discussion. What did you try? Are there any exciting results? Any confusing results? What are the failure modes? What will you try next? (Presentation #2)
Feb 6
Feb 11
Come to Shyam’s office during class meeting time if you want to discuss anything!
Feb 13
Work on project
Feb 18
Mini-lecture on how to write a report
Feb 20
DeadlineReport #4 is due at 11:59 pm. You will individually report on your team’s effectiveness, including a summary of your own, and each team member’s contributions so far. These reports will only be seen by course staff.
Feb 25
Individual required meetings between each student and Shyam
Execution Stage 2
Feb 27
Deadline Update second milestone (no more than 5 slides) for 10 minutes to rest of class and 5 minutes discussion. What did you try? Are there any exciting results? Any confusing results? What are the failure modes? What will you try next? (Presentation #3)
Mar 4
Mar 6
Come to Shyam’s office during class meeting time if you want to discuss anything!
Mar 11
DeadlineReport #5 is due at 11:59 pm. Final team report due
Mar 13
Deadline Final project presentations for 10 minutes to rest of class, with 2 minute elevator pitch video, and 5 minutes Q&A. (Presentation #4)